Block Parties

1st Projects: Then and Now

In 2014, the CDC hosted its first Annual Block Parties and bought the old News Tribune building.

Then: The Block Parties were pretty straight forward - a local resident wanted to host city-wide parties in recognition of National Night Out so the CDC came alongside her to make them happen. There were 5 parties in the first year.

Now: The energy for and around these parties has grown immensely in the last 8 years! The hosts meet together once to get started on the planning and it’s a delight to see them share stories from the last year and ideas for the next. 3 people have expressed interest in hosting a brand-new party this year. Save the date: Tuesday, August 2nd 2022!

Then: The News Tribune building project has NOT been so straight forward. The CDC took ownership of the building because some local residents wanted to preserve it and put in a lot of their own money to do so. But there was no clear idea what it would be. Over the years, different ideas were thrown out while work was done to repair the roof and stabilize the building. Eventually, conversations started up with Neighborhood North: Museum of Play until the two groups agreed that a new children’s museum in an old historical building was it!

Advertising graphic made for the campaign by Human City Creative

Now: A lot of work has already gone into replacing the roof and gutting the building over the past couple years. Then, just this year, a large funding opportunity came up that would completely renovate the first floor of the News Tribune building and move Neighborhood North in. We had a two weeks between when the grant opportunity was announced and when it was due. A team flew into action to write the grant and collect as many community signatures as possible to submit alongside it. You gave us over 2,000 signatures to submit showing support for this project!

This is the kind of work the CDC loves to be involved in - coming alongside the dreams of residents for their city and offering as many resources as we can to them!

Will you help us continue this kind of support to projects? Donate $100 or more in the month of May and receive a complimentary Stray Cat Studio mug!

Block Parties - Back in 2021

Ice Cream Truck1.jpg

Tuesday, August 3rd saw Beaver Falls residents gathering together at 6 different block parties throughout the city. In 2013, a local resident started the tradition of hosting these parties in recognition of National Night Out, a national initiative to promote healthier relationships among neighbors and local officials. The CDC has continued helping residents carry on this tradition for the past 8 years. 2020 saw a break from the traditional parties due to Covid precautions; instead the CDC sponsored a Free Ice Cream Truck event.

But 2021 brought these celebrations back in their original form! 5 local residents, 1st Presbyterian Church, and St. Monica’s Academy hosted parties in their own neighborhoods - 2 on College Hill, 1 on Mt. Washington, and 3 downtown. They invited neighbors, asked them to bring sides, and planned fun events to make their party unique. 5 local churches - The SOMA Gathering, Central United Methodist, 2nd Baptist, Ashes to Life, and Beaver Falls Christian Assembly - each contributed to sponsor the event.

Our local Vocelli Pizza, Fruit & Garden Center, Save-a-Lot, and McDonald’s donated pizza, watermelons, cups, and napkins. The City Street Dept. blocked off the streets for each party that needed it, while local police officers stopped by each party to participate and talk with residents for during their rounds of the city. A team effort for sure!

Each host felt that their party was a success! There were between 50-150 people at each party, plenty of food thanks to donations and the participation of neighbors, and a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere. We were so thankful to help host these events again and spend time celebrating with our community!

If you would like to host (or assist a host) next year, let us know by filling out the volunteer form on our Block Party page. Our hope is that this event continues to grow each year so more and more residents can celebrate together!